You know all the simplifying I've been doing? Well what I am finding is that it is now impacting the way I want to communicate as well. {You think you are just moving objects out of your life, when in reality you are actually moving ways of being out of your life while making room for the new}
And the new in this case for me is "less is more".
I've spent a big part of the last decade learning how to tap into a life that was right for me. And I've spent a big part of that same last decade being incredibly emphatic about my ideas and way of living. Only natural when you feel like you begin to get the answers you've been searching for, your whole life. Only natural when you are passionate about a life envisioned, that is finally becoming a reality.
But what I realized just before and during my journey to Squam this time around is that I'm done. I'm done speaking emphatically about anyone or anything. And don't get me wrong I'm not losing my passion for life and the people in it, nor my excitement for the present journey I am on that involves sharing my joy for the creative life. {Also doesn't mean I won't leave you in the wake of a very long blog post from time to time or a video or podcast sharing my thoughts} :)
No, I just don't need or want to convince anyone about much of anything anymore. If anything I simply want to be more of an example of the way of living that inspires me. I want to hold myself accountable to the idea that actions speak louder than words.
So, you can see I'm not really doing a big Squam Art Workshops re-cap this time. This post will pretty much be it, except for some of the beautiful creations from my students that I plan to share with you in the next few days. And the reason for this is a) I already gushed on and on about it in June. And b) While it was different, this time was just as lovely and because c) I'm not here to convince you of how fabulous it all is. Any of it.
Also in particular to Squam, it's clear if you follow the blogging circle of those of us that have attended the gushing has hit an all time high. And don't get me wrong, in many, many ways a visit to Squam embodies all the things you read about, in fact so much so that it's just not even possible to express it in words. But I now realize that the best way for me to share my experience is to let you to make up your own mind, to go with no expectations and to stay open to what it all might be.
It's a little like the photo above. This is one of those photos that I hadn't planned on shooting. The light was streaming through the trees, the wind was blowing softly and you could see bits of leaves that looked like glitter traveling through the sun's rays. I wanted to capture the glitter and instead I got this ~ and when I tried to capture another photo like this again, it wasn't possible.
Staying open leaves room for the unexpected. And I am beginning to realize that making these discoveries for yourself is what it's all about.